Donate a Sapling


1. Can we see the saplings we donated?

The saplings you donate are recorded where and when they were planted in each province. Additionally, the coordinates of the planted areas are also available on our site. In Sapling Cards, all saplings are located in ÇEKUD Special Days Memorial Forest. Our memory forest is located in Göllü Village, Beykoz District, Istanbul Province.


2. Can I participate as a volunteer in the afforestation activities organized by your association?

You can also contribute by following the afforestation event in which province and when from our event calendar on our website.

You can also fill out the volunteer application form at volunteer


3. What types of saplings are planted in afforestation areas?

The types of saplings planted in afforestation areas are forest tree species selected according to the climatic conditions and soil structure of the province and region where they will be planted.

Olive Saplings and Pistachio saplings are also planted in Gaziantep, Hatay and Kilis provinces.